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15th European
Space Conference

Securing the Future of Europe in Space

Brussels - 24 & 25 January 2023

On 24-25 January 2023, the European space domain will gather in Brussels for the 15th European Space Conference, organised by Business Bridge Europe.

The yearly high-level gathering of the key stakeholders of the European space domain will return to the Egmont Palace in Brussels for two days of dynamic and thought-provoking debates and exchanges focusing on the theme “Securing the Future of Europe in Space”.

Like the previous annual editions of this cycle of conferences dedicated to the European Space Policy and its technological and industrial challenges, this upcoming gathering will bring together, on site and online, high-level decision makers from across the EU institutions and Member States, the European Space Agency, high-level representatives of the industry, civil society and researchers. Two days of information sharing and rich debates throughout the various sessions, while leaving room for informal meetings and high-level networking.

Debates will cover the key topics of the day

Secure Connectivity Secure Connectivity
Defence and Security Defence and Security
Space Exploration Space Exploration
International Cooperation International Cooperation
Space Applications Space Applications
Space Entrepreneurship Space Entrepreneurship
Space and the Green Deal Space and the Green Deal

Partner with us!

Join the world's leading entities for this 15th edition of the European Space Conference.

Why become a partner of the European Space Conference?

The European Space Conference brings together policymakers, company executives and civil society representatives of the space sector to discuss the future of European space.
Becoming a partner of the European Space Conference makes you a critical part of this process. Share your goals with us, and we’ll maximise your experience during our event.

You will benefit from, among other things, strong visibility, privileged access to the press and VIP events as well as great networking opportunities!

Register your interest, and our team will be in touch to talk about your objectives for the 15th European Space Conference.

Contact us for a Partnership
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2 days Two days conference

Two days conference

1500 Participants last year


Participants last year

100 Speakers participating


Speakers participating

6 Online sessions


Online sessions


Are you a journalist? Registration for press is free of charge, whether you attend on-site or online.

Please make sure to complete the registration and check the media programme (in development) below. For any question, please contact Hajo Friedrich or Margaux Demeyer.

Go to registration

Media office contacts

  • Hajo Friedrich – terraverde50769@gmail.com
  • Margaux Demeyer – margaux.demeyer@logos-pa.com

15th European Space Conference

Brussels - 24 & 25 January 2023

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